No! Not that kind of date. I’m talking about my debut novel’s release date. The whole process took longer than I had anticipated, but I’m at the end of it and I can now set a release date for The Salvation of Judas.

When I realized the book wouldn’t come out in January, as I had expected, I thought February 28th could be a good date. Why? Because it is my dog’s birthday, of course. Goliath will be 11 years old this month. My baby is getting old.
This being said, I was hesitant. February is a month of many things, like Valentine’s Day, but it’s also Black History Month. As I thought about it, I decided to see what March could be the month of. And boy, was I glad I did!
On this website, I found a list of monthly holidays and observances. There are a lot in March, but out of the seventeen that month, three are a big part of who I am: Woman (History), Irish (American Heritage – I’m from Quebec, but it’s in the Americas, so it works), and Multiple Sclerosis (Awareness Month).
This is why I have decided to launch The Salvation of Judas on March 1, 2023. It’s in less than a month, people! Soon, if you want to, you’ll be able to have and read my book, would it be in paperback or epub form.
I’m really excited, but quite nervous as well. Will people like it? Will I be laughed out of the writing community? Will it only be me and a couple of friends that are going to buy a copy (and maybe not even read it)? 😬
I have to take a page out of Elsa’s book and “let it go”. Once my novel is out there, I need to “detach” from it… to a certain degree, anyway. Like a mama bird pushing her chick out of the nest in the hopes that it’ll be able to fly. Bye-bye, book, spread your words!
Then I’ll need to go back to work on my Redwater Creek series. I’ve procrastinated long enough. I will talk more about this project in upcoming newsletters, but right now, it’s all about Judas.
I have also put together an updated Book Trailer. If scheduling went without a hitch, you should be able to see it on Youtube HERE. Unless I haven’t had time to do it before you read this, the revised trailer should also have been updated on this website’s front page along with the book’s publishing date.
So you see, things are happening, people. And, of course, I have to share it all with you! Until we meet again, please take care of yourself, and be safe. And above all, may all the happiness bestow you! 😊
See you again soon!
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